322 Landry Drive
Kings Mountain, NC 28086
(704) 460-3433
Building Champions Today for Tomorrow!
K.M. Elite Club is a 501(c)3 nonprofit initiative established in 2008. Our mission is to holistically enhance the mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing of youth ages 5-15 through quality educational and recreational programs.
3 D's of Success
Desire, Discipline
Elite Community Enhancement Facility

KM Elite Club has officially purchased the ten acre
land parcel located on
Oak Grove Road in Kings
Mountain, NC. Now, raising funds for Phase 2 of the capital campaign begins!
The newly built Elite
Community Enhancement Facility will consist of a
gymnasium with two
full courts, state of the art classrooms, administrative offices and sports fields
that will be used for
community recreation
and family entertainment activities.
Online Basketball Registration

K.M. Elite After-School Tutorial Program will begin October 22nd on every Tuesdays and Thursdays at Kings Mountain High School from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.

K.M. Elite is preparing to have an all-girls basketball recreation league this winter for the 3rd-5th graders only. Looking for 28-30 young girls in these grades that will be committed to our weekly Fall Training that will roll over to the All-Girls Winter Basketball League.

The KM Elite Club Football Program boasts several of the area's premier recreational teams (July to November).

K.M. Elite After-School Tutorial Program will begin October 22nd on every Tuesdays and Thursdays at Kings Mountain High School from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.